Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I research stuff online sometimes just to kind of get an idea of what the perception is about Shane. Sometimes its really hard to read the way that people already have him labeled. I guess its easy to do that to someone you don't know. If you don't relate to them as a person, then it doesnt really matter maybe to some people what happens to them.
Shane is someone important to me and to his children, to his family. He is not the person that the media has made him appear or the police in their attempt to label someone, anyone, as the killer.
I can't imagine it being okay to fall that short of doing your job...especially when a life is at stake....especially when someone else lost their life.
If justice is to be done, let it be done by catching the correct person. Dont focus so much on what the punishment should or shouldnt be until you find out who truly committed the crime. It was NOT Shane Lawshe.

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